Generalized Anxiety, Worrying, & Fears in Teens
Your teen or preteen might be experiencing worries or fears that keep them awake at night, make them want to skip school, or cause significant distress in general. They might experience crying spells, tantrums, or panic attacks. Many teens try hard to conceal their emotions by isolating themselves, shutting down, or even developing unhealthy and unsafe behaviors to cope. Diagnoses can include Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks, and can coincide with Depression. Common stressors in teens include:
Academic Pressure
High expectations from parents, teachers, and peers, along with the pressure to excel academically, can lead to stress related to grades, exams, and college admissions.
Social Pressure
Concerns about fitting in, peer relationships, social status, and social media can contribute to stress and anxiety among teens.
Family Conflict
Issues such as parental divorce, conflicts with siblings or parents, financial strain, and parental expectations and behavior can create stress at home.
Body Image
Pressure to conform to societal beauty standards and concerns about physical appearance can lead to stress, particularly among teens.
Romantic Relationships
The complexities of romantic relationships, including breakups, conflicts, and peer pressure, can be significant stressors for teens.
Extracurricular Activities
Balancing schoolwork with extracurricular activities, volunteering, and jobs can lead to time pressures and stress.
Future Uncertainty
Worries about the future, including college and career choices, financial independence, and adulthood responsibilities, can contribute to stress and anxiety.
Social Media
Negative influences from social media can lead to aforementioned stressors and fears, causing sleep disturbances and difficulty in managing time effectively, among other symptoms.
Bullying and Peer Pressure
Bullying, cyberbullying, and peer pressure to engage in risky behaviors can cause significant stress and emotional distress among teens.
Fears & Phobias
Fears and Phobias can take many forms and are generally more specific and intensely experienced than worries. However, they can be coincide with other worries.
It's important for parents, teachers, and caregivers to be aware of these stressors and provide support, guidance, and resources, free of judgment, to help teens cope effectively with the challenges they face.